Version History
This is a comprehensive list of CADSIM Plus software feature updates and fixes, by version number:
Date: 1-Nov-17
- Fixed a bug that would use liquor instead of water to produce steam if liquor proceeded water in the stream definition.
- Fixed a bug in the Evaporator module that would cause an access violation if stream definition did not have Steam or Water.
- Miscellaneous improvements made to the Digester module.
New Release Version No. : 3.2.02
Date: 1-Apr-17
New release of CADSIM Plus v3.2 contains the following improvements and new features:
Drawing Mode
- Editing of multi-specifications has been improved to allow selecting of both the free and specified variables (like single specifications) after they have been placed
- Performance has been improved for repeated browsing of complex OPC connection trees. CADSIM Plus will now remember the previously opened tree and not rebuild it every time.
- Users are now required to make a valid Limiting Reactant selection before leaving the reactions wizard.
- The text entry dialog box now features improved options when entering one or more lines of text, including the selection of color, layer, angle and text
- New Ungroup Part feature allows you to remove the unique part name and un-group all of the elements in a drawing part that has been previously inserted into a drawing.
- The right-click drawing menu has been simplified and reorganized so that items are easier to find.
- A new tool allows you to open a Stream Definition (even if it is on an invisible layer) by selecting a process line and then right-clicking and selected Edit Stream Definition. Or, select Simulation > Edit Stream Definition to access a list of all process stream definitions in the drawing, and pick a process to edit. This menu item also provides a list of processes that are not yet used.
- An improved Remove Line tool (formerly called Remove Polygon Sides) has been improved to remove a selected line segment from either a selected polygon or a selected process lines while maintaining the contiguity of the remaining lines. In other words, it allows you remove a line without breaking connections (process lines) or deleting an entire polygon (requiring you to redraw it).
- A new Align Selection tool allows you to select a one or more drawing objects, select one handle, and then select a new snap location. All of the selected drawing objects would then be moved relative to the chosen location on the snap/grid. This tool can be used to help clean up imported drawings that were not drawn on a snap or grid.
- A new Change Specification Size tool that allows you to quickly resize selected specification icons by selecting preset sizes from a right-click drop-down menu list. In the special case where you may wish to hide specifications (and only show their specification lines) you can use this tool to make the icons 'tiny' or 'minuscule' (or restore them to larger sizes) by selecting their specification line.
Simulation Mode
- There are new options for customizing the format of the elapsed time display.
- A new feature allows you to temporarily hide or restore all of the currently open charts for a particular drawing, without actually closing them or minimizing them individually.
- A new manual mode has been added to AutoTune, which allows you to continue to set tuning parameters manually if the first step process identification fails. This allows you to go ahead and finish the tuning process without having to run the drawing until conditions permit AutoTune to proceed. However, you must make all of the selections manually.
- Change Order of Execution has an improved, simplified on-screen connection display, that selectively shows connecting lines for only the previous and next units, relative to the selected unit.
- The Convergence Monitor has been improved to allow an optional global setting change to all drawings in a project at runtime, eliminating the need to visit each drawing individually.
- The option to select a text color has been added to the Insert Results Record function.
Stream Chemistry
- The ability to handle bound IONs has been added. These will work with new and old style reactions. Bound IONs can be attached to follow a mass component, such as FIBER.
Unit Modules
- Efficiency calculations have been add to the Recovery Furnace and Burner units.
- A new (optional) dilution stream has been added to the following units: High Density, Tower, DStage, EOP, EStage and O2delig storage units
- New Digester unit add to the optional Fiber library
- New Cyclone unit for optional Mineral library
New Release Version No.: 3.2.01
Date: 30-Dec-16
- Fixed an incompatibility with HASP drivers v7.52 which could cause CADSIM to fail to find a valid CADSIM Plus HASP key.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.17
Date: 8-Dec-16
- Fixed a bug which caused External Optimizer INIT values to be overwritten by startup file values.
New Release Version No.: 3.1.16
Date: 30-Nov-16
- Fixed a bug which caused a "bad variable type" error when running the Neural Network Training Interface.
New Release Version No.: 3.1.15
Date: 23-Aug-16
- Improved code for multi-document projects, to locate specifications on current window and switch tabs correctly for save file prompts.
- Fixed a bug which prevented adding a measurement to a shortcut controller.
- Fixed a long-standing bug which could cause the Write Annotate File From Results function to create huge .cad files.
- Fixed a problem which could cause a C exception error when a reaction uses Extent(%) option.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.14
Date: 3-Aug-16
- Improved the code that allows edits to Free and Specified variables of a specification.
- Improved the animation code to ensure that some animations do not appear to run backwards.
- Fixed the shortcut controllers to display correct measured variable info.
- Fixed a bug which would cause variable names that contained () brackets to be truncated.
- Fixed a problem with VALVE unit that tried to assign temperature to an invalid port.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.13
Date: 13-July 16
- Fixed a bug which prevented editing multi-spec linears with terms.
- Fixed a couple of issues with COOLINGTOWER unit.
- Improved runtime display speed for Neural Network information dialog box.
- Several updates to METER, SENDER and RECEIVER units.
- Improved AutoTune to eliminate some Floating Point errors.
- Improved positioning code for Search & Replace form so that it does not open off-screen.
- Eliminated a divide by zero conditional error in the FLASH unit.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.12
Date: 28-Jun-16
- Added an error message to catch a case where a process line is drawn entirely within (begins and ends inside) a polygon.
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception error if a stream definition is windowed and the Chemistry button is pressed.
- Fixed a bug which caused a stream's free variable to be tied with specified variable when editing (this feature was only supposed to be implemented for units).
- Fixed a bug which prevented editing multi-spec values in drawing mode.
- Improvements to SENDER and RECEIVER units for DDR sub-multiples.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.11
Date: 31-May-16
- Corrected an issue with converting arrowheads to imperial when an inch border is inserted.
- Fixed a variable name matching bug with ConnectIn unit.
- Relocated text entry form so that it is no too close to text displayed on drawing.
- Store default drawing location and return there after locating a network specification which is off its line.
- Fixed an issue which could result in Polynomial unit specifications being discarded after editing in run mode.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.10
Date: 16-May-16
- Fixed a couple of issues with SENDER and RECEIVER units.
- Fixed a sequencing issue with PULPER unit.
- Fixed a minor issue with clearing deleted unit variables from variable lists.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.09
Date: 12-May-16
- Improved animation display with refresh frequency.
- Fixed a bug in PULPER unit which caused inlet streams to be misidentified.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.08
Date: 21-Apr-16
- Fixed a couple of issues with burning Sulpher in a BURNER unit.
- Fixed a bug which caused the Drawing View tabs to shift and hide the currently selected tab.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.07
Date: 01-Apr-16
- Added mass imbalance error checking to ConnectIn/Out units.
- Suppessed energy balance warning messages when the error is smaller than a threshold value.
- Improved default name matching when specifying ConnectIn/Out units.
- Fixed a project option which caused the Pinch dialog box to crash on open.
- Fixed a problem which could cause the BURNER unit to confuse CO with CO2.
- Fixed a problem which could cause CADSIM Plus to exit unexpectedly when an error or logging file was opened (under Windows 8.1 / 10).
- Improved Alt/Snap drop-down combo box to reset when changing drawing tabs.
- Fixed a couple of bugs when selecting/copying polygons and drawing parts, which could cause errors or items being excluded.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.06
Date: 09-Mar-16
- Improved the ability to make split ratio unit variables available for SEPARATOR, DIVIDER and HEADER units (in drawing mode) for formatting etc.
- Improved error and syntax checking for user-edited derived variables.
- Allowed a minimum of one active drawing in a project file.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.05
Date: 25-Feb-16
- Relocated CSPlus.err and Verbose.log files to My CADSIM\LOG folder (if they are created) in order to be compatible with Windows 8.x and later.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.04
Date: 15-Feb-16
- Fixed a bug which could cause an empty format variable to appear when editing a format on a process line.
- Using the Replace function to replace a single-entry multi-spec that has an invalid free variable could cause an exception error.
- Made a change to prevent dormant animation specifications on a dormant polygon from being evaluated at runtime.
- Removing all of the terms of a multi-spec and then clicking the OK button can cause an exception error.
- Fixed a bug which could change the text type to something other than NAME type text, when inserting and naming a part.
- Added an error message for corrupt specifications missing a term.
- Allow specification locking to overlapping polygons.
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception error when making a line pattern or drawing part.
- Removed some old code that could cause a polygon with a variable named MI (or any abbreviation for MINIMIZE) to request unnecessary specifications.
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception error when inserting a part that includes a specification in it.
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception error when pasting DDE text into Excel.
- Prevented a list of of bounds (-1) error when hitting the Insert button with no part selected.
- Added an error message when loading drawings with damaged linear specifications (specs with missing terms).
- Fixed a bug which could cause 'Out of range' errors when placing specifications.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.03
Date: 19-Jan-16
- Improved OPC recovery when a runtime connection error occurs.
- Improved indentification of Division vs. Product specs.
- Fixed an issue with arrowhead length and current selected line styles defaulting to "Custom".
- Added code to reset all statistics in a drawing project.
New Release Version No. : 3.1.02
Date: 01-Jan-16
CADSIM Plus Version 3.1 new features:
Comprehensive Undo / Redo
+ CADSIM Plus Undo / Redo feature has been completely rewritten. It is a multiple step undo/redo that allows any drawing mode operation to be undone.
Data Reconciliation
+ Sub-multiples of time step (SENDER, RECEIVER)
+ OPC HDA (supported via customized launchers)
+ Launch a copy of a simulation with a process snapshot
+ New objective function types:
+ Cauchy
+ Logistic
New Units
Standard Library
Fiber Library
+ DIGESTER (prototype drawing)
Mineral Library
+ LEACH (Zinc)
Improved Units
Standard Library
Fiber Library
+ Enhancements were made to the following units for stock tracking:
Compound & Properties
+ Updated properties for 15 compounds, including Aluminum, Arsenic, Copper, Gold, Lead, Jarosite, Iron, Nickel, Cadmium, Calcium, Magnesium, Thallium, Ammonia and Natural Gas
+ Added more than 60 new compounds
Drawing Mode
+ A new drawing Project Manager allows you to easily create and add/remove drawings from a drawing project
+ Improved text editor
+ Can now edit multiple instances of text for layer, color, angle
+ Support for super and sub-scripts
+ Selection and narrow selection palettes improved with text type filters
+ Improvements to specification snapping
+ New panning feature
+ New snap divisor feature
+ Improvements to the code that determines whether or not lines and polygons are connected
+ Add a feature inside the SDEF wizard that allows you to change the order of derived variables in the stream definition, without manual editing
+ New find next term utility (locates multiple terms of linear type specifications)
+ New remove polygon sides utility (allows you to delete individual polygons sides without having to delete the entire polygon)
+ Automatic arrowhead rescaling (when drawings are converted from US to Imperial units of measure)
+ New lock aspect ratio option (change both height and width of text together when editing text size)
Simulation Mode
+ New control of animation and results refresh rate for better runtime performance
+ Significantly improved runtime performance with charts open
+ Unified installer includes optional libraries - simpler installation of CADSIM Plus
+ CADSIM Plus now checks to see if you have the required optional libraries when opening a drawing
New Release Version No. : 3.1.01
Date: 13-Jan-17
- Fixed an incompatibility with HASP drivers v7.52 which could cause CADSIM to fail to find a valid CADSIM Plus HASP key.
New Release Version No.: 3.0.29
Date: 24-Feb-16
- Relocated CSPlus.err and Verbose.log files (if they are created) to My CADSIM\LOG folder, for compatibility with Windows 8.x or later.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.28
Date: 15-Feb-16
- Fixed a a bug which could cause an exception error when making a line pattern or drawing part.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.27
Date: 12-Feb-16
- Fixed a a bug which could cause old-style reactions to forget their reactant and product names when the form is closed after creation.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.26
Date: 07-Dec-15
- Fixed a problem with the PIDTrack, PIDTrim, PIDcntl and PIDsplit units that could cause CURRENT_OUTPUT to be come Not A Number (NAN).
New Release Version No. : 3.0.25
Date: 25-Nov-15
- Improved compound name matching in the ConnectIn unit.
- Fixed a problem with the PID100 unit that could cause CURRENT_OUTPUT to be come Not A Number (NAN).
- Improved DDE linking from a multi-doc drawing project to Excel.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.24
Date: 08-Oct-15
- Shortened suffix and prefix names for NRTL and IP component names in the PROPERTIES and HyProc PROPERTIES modules to keep them under 25 characters in total.
- Fixed a possible exception error when editing Interpolation specs.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.23
Date: 28-Sep-15
- Fixed a problem which could cause incorrect display of product or division specifications.
- Improved editing of on-the-fly created variables in drawing mode.
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception error if a new format is created when a number of process lines are windowed.
- Made changes to allow linking to Excel spreadsheets that have more than 256 columns.
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception if drawings are combined in a project that have differing sized matrices.
- Fixed a problem that resulted in long strings being broken up if they are Ctrl + click selected.
- Fixed a possible exception error when closing a text inspector during a text of another object operation.
- Fixed a possible exception error when windowing lines and creating a new format.
- Fixed a problem with the TRACKER unit that could cause simulation instability.
- Corrected units of measure issue (energy vs. mass flow) in BURNER unit.
- Corrected problem with EVAPORATOR unit that could cause liquid water in the VAPIN stream to be lost.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.22
Date: 28-Aug-15
- Fixed a problem which could cause carry-on-drawing postion of an inserted part, to snap to the closest full snap instead.
- Fixed a number of problems with drawing unit conversion and arrowhead scaling.
- Cancelling out of Insert Part could cause CADSIM to lock up.
- Made improvements to PUMP unit Flow=Calculate keyword to ask for Power and corrected units of measure issues.
- Fixed a problem which could cause animated line patterns to no longer show after a simulation reset.
- Corrected default SI Tank Volume units of measure to M^3
- Lines on dormant layer can cause crash when re-entering simulation mode.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.21
Date: 16-Jul-15
- Improved automatic scaling of drawings and parts when converting between metric and imperial drawing units.
- Improved convergence monitor behaviour to show current status when the simulation is paused and you are switching between project tabs.
- Improved new chart placement on multi-monitor workstations.
- Fixed a bug which could cause exception errors after a Reset is performed for a drawing project simulation.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.20
Date: 06-Jul-15
- Improved variable name matching with ConnectIn units.
- Fixed a bug which could cause single line polygons to not close properly.
- Improved the robustness of the Linear dialogue box when editing reactions.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.19
Date: 25-Jun-15
- Made some changes to improve stability issues when going back and forth between simulation mode and drawing mode.
- Fixed a bug which could cause Condtional specifications to be saved incorrectly.
- BURNER unit was displaying wrong units of measure for HHV at runtime.
- Fixed a bug which could cause a Critical Alarm on some types of unit controllers, when entering simulation mode.
- Fixed a problem which could occur if an animation of a process line loops back upon itself.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.18
Date: 04-Jun-15
- Fixed a bug which could cause animated text angles to be incorrect.
- Fixed a bug which could cause the insertion of an imperial unit border to fail to change a new drawing's units to imperial.
- Improved the VALVE unit to give more realistic temperatures if the valve is closed and flow is at or near zero.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.17
Date: 01-Jun-15
- Improved chart and form placement on multiple screens.
- Fixed a bug which prevented placement of a parameter spec. for a conditional specification.
- Made changes to allow ConnectIn runtime variables to be available for specifications to use in specification mode.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.16
Date: 27-May-15
- Fixed a bug which could change arrowhead scaling after performing a copy/paste operation.
- Fixed an issue which could cause line thicknesses to be set to 0.000 after a user-defined compound is edited.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.15
Date: 11-May-15
- Fixed a bug which caused long strings of text (more than 31 characters) to be truncated when the string was dragged and dropped.
- Fixed a bug which could cause multiple repaints of a parameters box (polygon with user-defined variables and formats) when it is dragged and dropped.
- Fixed an issue which could cause an exception error if a specification is replaced, and then another spec on the same polygon is edited.
- Fixed an issue which could allow two ConnectOut units to make a connection to the same ConnectIn unit.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.14
Date: 28-Apr-15
- Reduced minimum line thickness for exporting to HPGL from 0.351 to 0.2mm.
- Modified ConnectIn and ConnectOut code to prevent two ConnectOut units from connecting to the same ConnectIn unit.
- Fixed a bug which could cause the order of polygon text to change if the text is rotated.
- Fixed a bug which caused single-clicking when collecting entire polygons to do nothing.
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception in any unit or stream that performs a flash calculation when no pressure is specified (one atmosphere).
- Improved the SCREEN unit accuracy when more than one GAS or SUSPENDED SOLID is used.
- Fixed a minor sizing problem in the Tools > Options form.
- Fixed a bug which could lose track of the current drawing tab when switching between simulation mode and drawing mode.
- Fixed a couple of problems that could cause unit exceptions or memory leaks when switching between simulation mode and drawing mode.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.13
Date: 13-Apr-15
- Fixed a bug which could cause circles and arcs to be scaled incorrectly when the drawing is exported to an AutoCAD script file.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.12
Date: 07-Apr-15
- Fixed a bug which could cause errors after doing a simulation reset.
- Improved chart plotting when simulation is paused and then restarted.
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception error after cancelling out of creating a stream definition.
- Improved Copy/Paste to not automatically 'fix' text angle.
- Clarified the use of the Division specification.
- Fixed a bug which could cause a variable to become unavailable after cancelling a spec placement.
- Improved the routines for setting up additional CADSIM users on a workstation.
- Improved recycle calculations in the TANK (MixTank) and PULPER units.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.11
Date: 06-Mar-15
- Corrected a problem that caused some specification types to not remember their specified variables.
- Corrected a problem that could cause an exception error when Change Order of Execution was run.
- Fixed a bug which could cause Smart Parts to not attach to vertical lines.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.10
Date: 04-Feb-15
- Corrected a problem with pass counters in ORDER, DELAY and PULSE units.
- Corrected a problem where METER unit could ask for 0 as a stream index.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception error when specifying a ConnectIn unit.
- Corrected several problems with Linear forms.
- Corrected the default value for rate terms.
- Fixed a bug which caused animations to not update when switching between drawings in a multi-drawing document.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.09
Date: 20-Jan-15
- Fixed a bug on Copy Wizard that did not undo all copies on Cancel.
- Fixed a problem with HANDVALVE which could cause exceptions errors when going back and forth between simulation mode and drawing mode.
- Fixed a bug which allowed hidden specification lines to be clickable in simulation mode.
- Fixed a minor issue where user-defined compounds created under the Suspended category are not automatically added to the list of compounds.
- Made numerous improvements to the Linear form in support of reactions.
- Changed the minimum line thickness for animations from 0.1 to 0.01
- Fixed a long-standing bug in which Independent Text could selected and moved with the specification and spec line filters enabled.
- Removed an exception error if CADSIM Plus fails to find physprops.DTD
- Removed erroneous update requests caused by user-defined compounds in Project files.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.08
Date: 09-Jan-15
- Improved runtime dialogue boxes to ensure that they are always displaying current simulation results when the simulation is paused.
- Fixed a problem that could cause the SDEF Generate Molar Derived Variables option to not be saved.
- Fixed a bug which could cause arrowheads to be rescaled multiple times when parts in inserted into a multi-document project with inch dimensions.
- Fixed a problem that could cause unwanted abbreviation of variable names.
- Results formats could stop updating if a file save operation was cancelled when returning to drawing mode - fixed.
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception error when cancelling an SDEF edit of a drawing in a multi-document project.
- Fixed a bug which prevented placing a results format on a line if the line was not pre-selected.
- Improved time setting changes in multi-document projects.
- Fixed potential exception errors when switching between simulation mode and drawing mode.
- Fixed a bug which caused the Add Animation variable lists to not be populated.
- Fixed a bug which caused the Animation parameters drop down list to be empty.
- Fixed a problem with inverse kinetic rates stopping the reaction.
- Fixed a bug that could cause access violations using the REPORT keyword with the TANK unit.
- Corrected potential problems with recycle state on TANK unit.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.07
Date: 16-Dec-14
- Improved cloning from multi-select polygon sides.
- Improved reactions linear dialogue box format to eliminate variable list from being repositioned after repeated edits.
- Removed an invalid variable index error when DESORB unit is used with a numeric stream variable that is set to zero.
- Fixed a bug that could cause CADSIM Plus to pause for several minutes when Percentage of Real Time was changed on the fly in simulation mode.
- Fixed a problem where a Division spec could become a Product spec if the factor was edited.
- Added key combustion properties (Is_Fuel, O2_Used) to CARBON in CP physical properties.
- Fixed a problem where ConnectIn and ConnectOut units may not correctly match streams if one stream is a superset of the other.
- Fixed in bug in TANK unit which resulted in it not loading Start Up File info correctly for tracking variables.
- Fixed a bug in animations where stream variable names were not used correctly.
- Fixed a bug in TANK unit with reactions that could effect restoring data when using AutoTune, DDR and optimization.
- Improvements to Optim (Simplex) and Rosenbrock optimization modules.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.06
Date: 01-Oct-14
- Restored the ability to select part of a drawing and perform Align to Snap without changing the rest of the drawing.
- Fixed a problem with .rec file naming in data rec.
- Fixed a bug which allowed users to partially create a reaction that has no reactants.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.05
Date: 30-Sep-14
- Fixed a bug which could cause mouse clicks to be missed when cloning the attributes of an object in drawing mode.
- Fixed a bug which caused a Conditional specification on a derived variable (such as VOLUMETRIC_FLOW) to change the free (mass) variable instead.
- Fixed a problem which could cause the locate button on some error messages to fail.
- Fixed a problem where some fields in the Linear forms would be initialized to a non-zero value.
- Fixed a bug which prevented placing an existing results format on a line if the line was not preselected.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.04
Date: 5-Sep-14
- Fixed a bug which could cause multiple chart color to be saved incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug which caused chart time step to be read as minutes instead of seconds.
- Fixed a bug which prevented an edit of a time-based conditional specification to be ignored the next time simulation mode was run.
- Corrected a problem which prevented exiting the COM link dialog box after deleting the last link item in the list.
- Fixed several minor issues when editing measurements, including a problem when an external was placed on a polygon, which reverted the measurement variable to the default selection.
- Fixed a bug which could cause the TANK unit to cause an exception error when the REPORTALL=TRUE keyword is used.
- Corrected several problems with the current working directory set to the wrong folder under Windows XP. Also, on file open.
- Corrected a problem with sample configuration files for the Simplex External Optimization projects.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.03
Date: 11-Aug-14
- Fixed a problem that could cause CADSIM to think that polygon side thickness has changed, when it has not.
- Fixed a bug which could cause Convergence Monitoring tolerance to be set to when CADSIM is used with a Spanish version of Windows.
New Release Version No. : 3.0.02
Date: 15-Jul-14
CADSIM Plus Version 3.0 new features:
+ Multi-document Interface:
+ A new CADSIM Plus multi-document interface allows two or more CADSIM Plus drawings to be developed as separate simulations, and then linked together to run as single simulation model. The new interface features tabbed windows, one for each drawing, that are available in both drawing and simulation modes.
+ Multi-document allows you to run each drawing to a steady-state and save a startup file, prior to running them as a group. If done properly, this can save a lot of time in getting a large simulation to run in a stable condition.
Multi-document makes it easier for individuals to collaborate on a large project.
+ A project file (filename.draproj) holds a list of drawing names and is used to launch CADSIM Plus in multi-document mode.
+ New Units:
+ Standard Library:
+ ConnectIn and ConnectOut (connection units for multi-document drawings)
+ Improved Units:
+ Standard Library:
+ Pump (added affinity laws)
+ Pipe, Pump and Valve (calculate outlet pressure when PRESSURE is not a stream variable)
+ Euler (added reset option)
+ Storage, Tower, Tank and Mixer (add Age = VariableName and plant-wide product tracking capabilities)
+ Dynamic Data Reconciliation:
+ New filter types (Integral and Savitzky Golay cubic polynomial)
+ Support for multiple filters (allows up to 5 filter types per measurement)
+ New objective functions (Gaussian, Fair, Lorentzian and Contaminated Gaussian)
+ Faster than real-time catch-up (runs DDR faster than real time)
+ Improved measurement reports in .rec file
+ Specifications:
+ Right-click to toggle between single and multiple specifications
+ Error Messages:
+ Added locate button to many error messages to help find the source of the problem
+ Runtime Factors:
+ Added runtime access to some specified factors, such as linear, ratio etc. which can now be changed on the fly without returning to drawing mode.
+ Control Lines:
+ Specification control lines can be globally set invisible. And when you click to select a specification, its control lines will appear temporarily while it is selected.
+ Reactions Editor:
+ Added estimate heat of reaction based on reacting compounds
+ Simulation Time Units:
+ Extended options for specifying the units of measure for simulated time, to include milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours and days
New Release Version No. : 3.0.01
Date: 02-Jul-14
- Miscelaneous improvements to FLASH and PUMP units.
New Release Version No. : 2.7.11
Date: 16-Jun-14
- Improved flow network convergence for the CLEANERS unit (Fiber Library).
New Release Version No. : 2.7.10
Date: 28-May-14
- Fixed a problem with the PROPERTIES module that could cause a crash if looking up Freezing Point Depression of an ORGANIC compound.
- Fixed a bug that could cause exporting to PDF to crash if the drawing contains new-style reactions specifications.
New Release Version No. : 2.7.09
Date: 16-May-14
- Improved the properties of C2H2 to allow combustion.
New Release Version No. : 2.7.08
Date: 01-May-14
- Corrected a problem which caused incorrect display of percent solids information for the Viscosity page in the Compound Editor. It should have displayed a temperature-based equation.
New Release Version No. : 2.7.07
Date: 02-Apr-14
- Fixed a problem with HEAT EXCHANGER that could cause calculation problems if some components have zero flow.
New Release Version No. : 2.7.06
Date: 10-Oct-13
- Fixed a problem with the Standard Library PUMP unit which caused Power calculations to not be displayed.
- Fixed a problem in the BURNER unit which caused problems with stack gas temperatures when efficiency calculations are used. Also, fixed a problem with displayed units for HHV of user-defined fuels.
New Release Version No. : 2.7.05
Date: 27-Aug-13
- Fixed a bug which prevented the specification line selection filter from locating Measurement spec lines.
- Improved the specification wizard to allow the Network spec type to be chosen (when appropriate) when using the Replace button.
- Fixed a bug which could cause edting of a Network spec to display incorrect information.
- Fixed a bug in Tower and High Density units, which could cause indices to be misaligned, resulting in incorrect values being displayed at runtime.
- Misc. improvements to Ramp and Euler units.
- Additional filter types added for measurements.
New Release Version No. : 2.7.04
Date: 31-Jul-13
- Improved screen refresh (guidelines and anchor point) when Tools > Options > Dimensions is used to switch a drawing between inches and mm's.
- Fixed a problem that could cause a Floating Point Divide by Zero error when HTML pages are loaded or refreshed in a Computer Based Manual (CBM) project.
New Release Version No. : 2.7.03
Date: 28-Jun-13
- Made a number of improvements to allow more flexible user-defined compound creation (with and without molecular weight and/or formula).
- Fixed a problem that affected the loading of Startup Dynamic Profile data.
- Fixed a bug related to the deleting a variable and existing formats.
- Improved retension of current settings for controllers when editing.
- Fixed a possible problem with COM support for data rec functions.
New Release Version No. : 2.7.02
Date: 15-May-13
1) New release of CADSIM Plus includes the following new and improved features:
CADSIM Plus Version 2.7 new features:
Chemical Reactions:
+ A new mechanism for modeling chemical reactions allows multiple reactions to be contained in a single specification icon that is placed on the unit to eliminate specification clutter. Reactions are presented to users as equations with some parameters available for tuning at runtime. User-defined reactions equations can be edited. Selected process units (such as O2DELIG D STAGE E STAGE and EOP STAGE modules in the optional Fiber Library) have suggested, built-in reactions that can be used.
New Modules:
+ Standard Library
+ DEOPTIM (new optimization method)
+ Fiber Library (optional – includes new bleach plant example simulation)
+ Power Library (optional)
Improved Modules:
+ Standard Library
+ TOWER (new stock tracking abilities)
+ HIGH DENSITY STORAGE (new stock tracking abilities)
+ Power Library (optional)
+ BURNER (new boiler efficiency calculations)
Process Optimization:
+ A new Differential Evolution optimization module has been added to the Standard Library of process modules.
+ The CADSIM external optimizer (which can launch CADSIM Plus and run it remotely to perform a variety of optimization tasks) has been improved with a new keyword-based configuration file and new Differential Evolution optimization methods.
Dynamic Data Reconciliation:
+ Improved options for solving and controlling DDR models
Miscellaneous Improvements:
+ New Find End of Line utility allows you to automatically locate either end of a selected process line in drawing mode and in simulation mode
+ New Go To Coordinates utility helps you locate the cause of runtime error messages
+ New built-in Update from Web function allows easier location and installation of program updates
+ New zooming and panning functions allow the use the scroll wheel on the mouse to pan and zoom the drawing
+ Lock aspect ratio when inserting parts makes it easier to maintain the parts original height to width ratio when scaling a part
+ Customizable On/Off dialog box allows you to add keywords to customize the runtime labels of the MOMENTARY on/off switch
New Release Version No. : 2.7.01
Date: 24-Sep-13
- Fixed a bug which prevented the Controller Variable specification type from being enabled, when TEMPERATURE is the free variable.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.14
Date: 30-Jul-13
- Fixed a problem that could cause parts to be scaled twice when inserted into a drawing.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.13
Date: 28-Jun-13
- Made a number of improvements to allow more flexible user-defined compound creation (with and without molecular weight and/or formula).
- Fixed a problem that affected the loading of Startup Dynamic Profile data.
- Fixed a bug related to the deleting a variable and existing formats.
- Improved retension of current settings for controllers when editing.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.12
Date: 30-Apr-13
- Fixed a bug which prevented distinguising between saved Print View names, such as P1 P11 P111 etc.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.11
Date: 01-Apr-13
- Fixed a bug which could result in a stream definition becoming corrupt when edited.
- Fixed a problem which could cause inserted drawing parts to not be scaled properly when converted between inches to milimetres.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.10
Date: 06-Mar-13
- Fixed a bug which could result in an exception error if there are duplicate specifications on a line.
- Fixed a possible divide by zero error in MIXTANK if AREA is set to zero and PRESSURE is a stream variable.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.09
Date: 27-Feb-13
- Added fourth phase category (SOLUBLE) to the compound editor to be used when creating equations for DENSITY, VISCOSITY and Heat Capacity (Cp). Also, corrected the importation of v2.5 XML for these properties. Also set SUSPENDED and FIBER catergories to use the SOLID equation for those properties.
- Add an error message that is presented when the Mother compound of a derived or other variable no longer exists.
- Added a new zoom argument to the HTML command named zoomGroup.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.08
Date: 18-Feb-13
- Fixed a problem with Minbound and Maxbound ranges when importing XML overrides for Boiling Point Rise (BPR) into the Compound Editor.
- Fixed a problem with the HEADER unit that could cause an exception error if the unit inlet flow is zero.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.07
Date: 14-Jan-13
- Enhanced the visual locator (cursor) for tools such as Locate Point ID (and others) which became hard to see with the introduction of the new white background and corresponding color scheme.
- Fixed a problem that could cause an access violation error when deleting a Typical_Pressure_Drop specification.
- Fixed a long-standing bug which prevented stream estimates (for variables that contain spaces in their names) from being loaded in simulation mode.
- Fixed a bug which caused Interpolation based stream derived variables to be corrupted in the Stream Definition Wizard.
- Fixed a bug which caused the OPC Data Access Variable List to never enable the Finish button when remote variables are being selected.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.06
Date: 04-Dec-12
- Fixed a problem with RELAY and SEQUENCE units which could cause them to not reset completely when Simulation > Reset is selected.
- Correct a bug which caused 'smart' default values for component estimates in the SDEF wizard, to always display the default values for liquids.
- Fixed a problem which caused the selected free variable to be ignored when a Table of Interpolation specification is being created.
- Corrected a problem that could cause a stream definition to become corrupted when editied, if it was copied from a drawing using inches, to a drawing using milimetres for drawing units of measure.
- Fixed a bug that caused simulation results to not be displayed correctly when Simulation > Run Single Units is used.
- Fixed a problem that could cause text that was removed from a polygon to reappear when after it was deleted.
- Corrected a problem that could cause the Save Start File options to be turned off when they should be enabled.
- Restored the ability to add square brackets[] to the name of a user-defined ION, eg. Na[Fiber]
New Release Version No. : 2.6.05
Date: 31-Oct-12
- Fixed a problem that caused Boiling Point Rise (BPR) to calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed a problem that caused unnecessary file updates if specification mode was aborted by the user.
- Fixed a bug which could cause open charts to be 'forgotten' if the file was updated after the user aborted from specification mode.
- Fixed a problem that caused the [Next] button to not be activated in the Stream Definition (SDEF) wizard.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.04
Date: 19-Sep-12
- Fixed a problem that prevented the initiation of DDE/COM communication, when a link was copied and pasted from Runtime versions of CADSIM Plus to programs such as Excel.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.03
Date: 10-Aug-12
- Fixed a problem that prevented the use of characters such as '_' and '+' in COM variable names.
- Fixed a problem which prevented scrolling of the list of variables in the COM dialog box.
- Added a condensing=false optional keyword to the TURBINE unit to assist dynamic data reconciliation model convergence. Keyword prevents condensing of steam into water in the TURBINE outlet stream.
New Release Version No. : 2.6.02
Date: 01-Jun-12
New release of CADSIM Plus. Includes the following new and improved features:
Updated Windows Installers now allow CADSIM Plus to be installed for All Users of a workstation. In addition to placing program shortcuts in all user's Start menus and on their desktops, the installer performs the following actions:
+ Places registry entries under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and copies those entries to HKEY_CURRENT_USER if none are found there when CADSIM Plus is run for the first time in the current user's profile. This allows CADSIM Plus to find all of its constituent parts and settings under any user profile.
+ Places a full copy of all of the sample drawings, sample parts and user settings files (My CADSIM folder and contents) into the installing user's Personal Folder, as well as in the Common Files Folder (eg. c:\Program Files\Common Files\Aurel Systems\CADSIM Plus\My CADSIM). The first time that CADSIM Plus is run in a new user's profile, it will prompt the user to copy the contents of the My CADSIM folder to the current user's Personal Folder. This gives each user their own custom settings and copies of the sample drawings and parts.
+ A new menu item has been added (File > Copy sample drawings & parts...) which performs the My CADSIM folder copy operation on demand.
+ The optional HyProc Physical Properties Database has been moved to the Common App Data Folder (eg. c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Aurel Systems\CADSIM Plus\DB). This folder is set up to be shareable and writable by all users on a workstation. This prevents the database file from becoming virtualized (and duplicated) to local user's Personal Folders under Windows 7.
+ Add user-defined titles to multi-variable charts
+ Right-click variables in runtime unit and stream information dialog boxes to quickly create a new chart or to add a new variable to an existing chart
User-created Compounds and Chemical Properties Overrides:
+ New compound editor for overriding the chemical properties of CADSIM Plus Standard and optional HyProc libraries of compounds
+ New compound editor can also be used to create user-defined chemical compounds with user-defined names
+ The new compound editor replaces and enhances the former physical properties override mechanism that was available in v2.4 and v2.5 of CADSIM Plus.
+ The compound editor automatically generates all of the XML code required to create overrides (you no longer have to edit the XML manually) and that XML code is automatically included in the current drawing file.
+ You can also export/import overrides and new compounds into other CADSIM Plus drawing files.
+ In addition, you can now create new compounds as well as override the properties of existing compounds.
Dynamic Data Reconciliation (DDR):
+ Added new Kalman and Haar Wavelet filter types to DDR measurements
+ Improved DDR convergence performance and reliability
+ Added ability to allow over-specification of the Header unit to assist DDR convergence
New & Improved Standard Library Unit Modules:
+ Improved Tank (Chest) unit now includes chemical reactions, ability to solve local dynamic recycle loops and new height calculations for cylindrical, spherical, conical and vertical tank shapes
+ New Recycle unit provides dynamic correction of recycled mass and energy flows
+ Improved Transport Lag unit is to provide new calculated mass variables
+ Improved PID Controller to allow connection to other units via Signal streams
HyProc Library (optional):
+ New (with optional HyProc library) Winn-Underwood-Gilliland (WUG) shortcut distillation column for rapid column prototyping
+ Improved Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) calculations
HyProc Physical Properties Database (optional):
+ Added approximately 1500 new chemical compounds to the optional HyProc database of chemical compounds
Automation / Optimization:
+ New methods and technologies implemented to enhance opportunities for process integration using CADSIM Plus runtime tools and features
+ New CADSIM Optimizer launches and controls CADSIM Plus to produce targeted optimized specification scenarios for a process model
New Example Bleach Plant Towers Model:
+ New bleach plant model located in My CADSIM\Samples\Fiber\Bleach Plant Tower Example folder (note, requires the optional Fiber Library to be installed).
New Release Version No. : 2.6.01
Date: 02-Mar-12
- Increased the maximum number of layers in the TOWER unit from 200 to 2000.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.20
Date: 09-Sep-11
- Fixed a problem which caused the Insert Part list to not be refreshed when a new CADSIM part is created (the new part was not added to the list).
- Fixed a bug which could be caused by clicking on the drawing while a text or line Inspector is being opened on a large drawing.
- Corrected an error which caused drawings with phyical properties overrides to run slower than when the same drawing is run without overrides.
- Also corrected a problem that caused saving a drawing with merged XML overrides to fail.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.19
Date: 25-Aug-11
- Improved solids handling in CLARIFIER, PHASE SEPARATOR, HIGH DENSITY and TOWER units for streams other than Paper (fiber).
- Fixed a problem which could cause large scale drawing sets to lose their line arrow heads when exported or plotted.
- Fixed a problem with calculated head pressure when Gauge pressures are used in HIGH DENSITY and TOWER units.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.18
Date: 08-Jul-11
- Fixed a bug that could result in a stack overflow error if a unit was given as a user-defined variable, that could also be a unit variable under differing conditions (eg. AREA is added to a TANK unit if pressure is NOT a stream variable).
- Fixed a bug which could cause a format edit operation to later cause an SDEF edit operation to corrupt a stream definition.
- Added code to moderate the effect on enthaplies of Steam when the stream temperature is above 5000C and/or the pressure is above 20,000 kPa.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.17
Date: 26-May-11
- Removed a hardwired limit on maximum pressure (5000 Kpa) from the Flash unit.
- Added warning messages for duplicated unit inlet and outlet stream names.
- Added case in-sensitivity to checks for duplicated stream names.
- Added ability to SAVEALL unit to allow it to treat other liquids as if they were WATER.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.16
Date: 04-May-11
- Fixed a problem with the LAG unit that could cause a runtime C exception if the lag time was set to a very large number (now limited to 100 days).
- Fixed a problem that could result in CADSIM Plus hanging or odd messages when specifying pressure networks.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.15
Date: 05-Apr-11
- Fixed a problem that prevented specifying a controller on a stream variable that would control the same variable, eg. put a controller on WATER to control WATER.
- Fixed a cosmetic issue where an incorrect dialog checkbox option appeared on the Edit Part Parameters form.
- Fixed a problem that prevent some units from passing or accepting negative stream component values.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.14
Date: 15-Feb-11
- Corrected a potential memory leak in the HighDensity module.
- Corrected saturation pressure, saturation temperature, and binary interaction perameters for Iso Pentane in Standard physical properties.
- Updated the installers to extract COM registry information from .exe and .ocx files and force registration at install time.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.13
Date: 28-Dec-10
- Corrected a problem with EXCHANGER units, where the SHELL pressure was not being set when the TUBE side is networked and no pressure is set locally.
- Added Nitrogen Pv to CADSIM Plus standard physical properties, to be used with the default Ideal Gas, so that it can be used for phased VLE calculations if needed.
- Fixed a problem with the incremental search feature of the Find Component form in the SDEF wizard.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.12
Date: 16-Dec-10
- Fixed a potential divide by zero error in the UPTIME unit, when initial uptime and downtime values are all set to zero.
- Fixed a bug which could cause a divide by zero error when Wilson VLE components have a zero flow.
- Added the ability to perform neutralization for streams with H+ and OH- ions so that the product of those molar concentrations equals the water constant kW. Affects ADDER, MIXER, REACTOR, HIGH DENSITY and TOWER units.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.11
Date: 07-Dec-10
- Made a number of improvements to the SDEF wizard when displaying HyProc database compounds, including molecular formula hints on compounds, incremental search of compound lists, and an enlarged compound display area.
- Added a warning message to Copy and Make Part functions when exclusion criteria results in nothing selected.
- Added a tooltip to remind users to right-click on runtime stream and unit information dialog boxes to see link options.
- Fixed a bug which could result in the wrong list of variables being displayed when switching between stream types in the SDEF wizard.
- Added code to prevent divide by zero errors if a specification on a user- defined component is set to zero in a DIVISION spec.
- Fixed a minor bug that caused the Group highlight not to clear properly when using CBM display mode.
- Added a "Yes to All" button to some CADSIM Plus error messages.
- Added code to 'grey out' or prevent access (and exception errors) to the setpoint of a controller if it is set by another controller.
- Fixed a problem with arcs not being displayed correctly in some cases when a CADSIM drawing is converted using ViewCompanion Pro export utilities.
- Fixed a bug which could result in a memory error when using Print Preview.
- Updated HASP drivers to v5.95.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.10
Date: 19-Oct-10
- Fixed a problem that could cause a bad variable index for TOTAL_SUSP_SOL when used in specifying a flow-related stream variable.
- Made some improvements to automatic cursor positioning during various operations.
- Made some improvements to automatic dialog box positioning during various operations.
- Improved Copy and MakePart options when a unique part name is selected for either operation.
- Made some improvements to the Align Chart utility.
- Added a warning message when a variable is used twice in the same equation, resulting in a linear dependency for stream calculations.
- Improved revue/scrolling when charts have accumulated large amounts of data.
- Added a Find ID number button to certain runtime error messages.
- Updated translation files and certain unit messages for v2.5.
- Fixed an invalid variable index error with PRESSURE on an EXCHANGER unit.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.09
Date: 01-Oct-10
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception error with the Align Charts tool is used.
- Fixed a problem with wrapping of derived variables names in the SDEF wizard.
- Added documentation to remind users that overrides of Heat Capacity (Cp) must always be presented in degrees Kelvin because S_S has a log term that cannot be calculated if it is less than or equal to zero.
- Fixed a problem where auto-lookup of variables for polygon formats was not filling in the default choice.
- Improved screen bitmap caching to allow more copies of CADSIM Plus to be run simultaneously in Windows.
- Removed a potential exception error when a specification operation is cancelled and then resumed.
- Removed a potential error that would present the wrong list of equation choices if a specification operation is cancelled and then resumed.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Tools > Options > Dimensions setting to corrupt the drawing by setting all Y-axis values to 0.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.08
Date: 24-Aug-10
- Fixed a bug which could result in CADSIM Plus erroneously offering a choice of more than one variable for one results format during editing.
- Fixed a problem where CADSIM Plus might silently choose a variable with a similer name for a specification, if a variable has been removed from the simulation model.
- Corrected a problem with the Text Inspector showing incorrect properties for text.
- CADSIM Plus will no longer copy the part name when a specification is copied from a part.
- Fixed a problem which could cause CADSIM Plus to become confused about the available free variables when editing a specification, after cancelling out of another specification.
- Corrected the calculation of moles (off by 1,000) when CADSIM Plus standard streams had metric tonnes per day as the mass flow units.
- A problem has been fixed which could cause Autotune to cause an exception if the "Put all controllers on manual" option was selected.
- Added warning messages to the EVAPORATOR unit when required matching stream layers were not used correctly.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.07
Date: 28-Jun-10
- Fixed a problem with the TANK/CHEST and HIGHDENSITY unitS that could cause an error if MAX_VOLUME and/or INITIAL_VOLUME are set to zero.
- Fixed a problem that could cause an error if an animation specification was edited, moved and then edited again.
- Corrected a problem that could cause the PROPERTIES module to fail with a C exception error.
- Made some improvements to a couple of translateable program messages.
- Fixed a problem which could cause an edited specification angle to also change the color of a specification line, back to the default color.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.06
Date: 10-Jun-10
- Fixed a problem with the REACTOR unit which could cause it to hang CADSIM Plus if there were very small flows and zero tank volumes.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.05
Date: 01-Jun-10
- Fixed a bug which could cause a COM link to Excel to hang when CADSIM receives non-numeric data from Excel.
- Fixed a problem that could cause the demo versions of CADSIM Plus to hang if the Autotune Wizard is used.
- Fixed a problem that could cause mouse clicks to be ignored after certain operations were performed, such as changing a line from process to non-process.
- Updated the tutorial exercises to include new sections on controller tuning, checking convergence and printing/plotting.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.04
Date: 05-May-10
- Fixed a bug which could cause a runtime exception error (and hang CADSIM Plus) when specification mode is run.
- Updated CADSIM Plus tutorial exercises with sections on the new Autotune controller tuning wizard, convergence checking and printing/plotting.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.03
Date: 27-Apr-10
- Made improvements to Dynamic Data Reconciliation filter types.
- Corrected a problem with the PROPERTIES module which was not calculating Freezing Point Depression (FPD) correctly.
- Corrected a couple of problems with the DEFAULT unit which was not correctly recognizing certain combination of ICE and BOUND materials in its inlet streams.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.02
Date: 20-Apr-10
New release of CADSIM Plus. Includes the following new and improved features:
Libraries Combined:
+ Standard CADSIM Plus package now includes these previously optional packages at no extra charge: Dynamic Data Reconciliation, OPC
Automated Controller Tuning Wizard (Autotune):
+ Bump tests, and process response analysis
+ Process model identification (self regulating/integrating, direct/indirect)
+ Setting Lambda tuning parameters (user can fine tune and test proposed settings)
+ Response quickness and stability are tested on simulation before committing
+ Simulation is restored to the state that existed prior to the tuning operation to avoid simulation upset
Computer Based Manuals for Training:
+ HTML pages can be integrated with 'intelligent' CADSIM Plus P&ID drawings
+ CADSIM Plus v2.5 has the ability to launch HTML content via Internet Explorer
+ Links within the HTML content can highlight predefined areas of a specially prepared drawing
+ Embedded links in a drawing can select HTML content in the browser
+ HTML content can be developed using standard HTML editing tools
New & Improved Unit Modules:
+ Pass-Through (adds the ability to suspend a unit from participating in the simulation model) - New
+ Flash (optional holdup and level control) - Improved
+ Uptime (now with Weibull distributions) - Improved
+ Heat Exchangers - Improved
+ Heaters / Coolers - Improved
+ Dynamic Data Reconciliation (allows pre-conditioning and filtering of individual measurements using Kalman) - Improved
+ Pipe (proportioning of viscosities of mixtures) - Improved
+ Compressor (now works within pressure flow networks, includes performance curves) - Improved
+ Excel spreadsheets help set up pump and compressor curves, and valve characteristics - New
Streams & Chemistry:
+ Improved stream flashing and vapor/liquid equilibria calculations
+ Improved water/ice liquid/solid equilibria including freezing point depression
Physical Properties:
+ Improved saturation temperatures
+ Improved enthalpys and entropies
+ New minerals
online Applications:
+ New Startup Dynamic Profile (process snapshot file) stores and retrieves startup values including unit dynamic profiles
+ CADSIM Plus drawing can spawn an external application
+ Support for cloning a simulation from an existing online tracking reconciliation simulation to:
- Display current data for the full process with stream details
- Run into the future
- Form the basis for online optimization trials
- Form the basis for ‘what-if’ scenarios starting from current operating parameters
+ OPC client is now included in the Standard Library of process module
Graphical User Interface Improvements:
+ Find Furthest Off function now displays steady-state convergence status in toolbar
+ New chart cleanup tool right-justifies and sorts open charts on your screen
+ Better window management on multiple screen workstations
+ New tool can convert text from an object to independent text
+ New tool can remove extra text from an object without deleting the object
+ Ctrl + Windowing can be used to select multiple areas of a drawing
Help System:
+ Updated Help system
New Release Version No.: 2.5.01